What are the requirements for a Special Resident Retiree's Visa (SRRV)?


The Special Resident Retiree's Visa (SRRV) is being implemented by virtue of Executive Order 1037 (otherwise known as Philippine Retirement Park System)

Any foreign national or former Filipino citizen who is not otherwise excludable, not classified as a restricted national, physically healthy, without any derogatory record and at least thirty five (35) years old, may participate in the retirement program of the Philippine Retirement Authority (PRA).

All foreign nationals below fifty (50) and at least thirty-five (35) years of age are required to deposit the amount of US$75,000.00 with any of the PRA’s shortlisted banks. 

Those aged fifty 50 and above are required to deposit the amount of US$50,000.00. 

Former Filipinos who are now holders of foreign passports are required to deposit US$1,500.00. 

The deposit amount of US$50,000.00 shall be required from an applicant who is at least thirty-five (35) years of age and belongs to any of the following:

a) Retired military personnel of governments recognized by the Philippine Government;

b) Former members of foreign diplomatic services who have served at least three (3) years in their respective posts; and

c) Retired officers or employees of an international organization such as the United Nations and its specialized agencies, World Health Organization, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, International Labor Organization, and similar organizations.

The requirements in applying for an SRRV are:

a) Duly accomplished visa application Form (FA Form No. 2);

b) Passport valid for at least six (6) months beyond authorized period of stay in the Philippines;

c) At least two (2) passport-size photographs taken during the last six (6) months, quarter profile showing earlobes;

d) Prior approval from the DFA;

e) Personal appearance; and

f) The visa processing fee.

Note: Applicants for the SRRV must not be categorized as excludable alien nor included in the DFA Blacklist. 

Separate application forms and fees are required for each applicant even if they are covered by one passport (as in the case of dependent children).