What are the requirements for Temporary Business Visitor's Visa - foreigners attending international conferences or conventions in the Philippines, business meetings or bona fide businessman?

Temporary Business Visitor's Visa will allow the bearer to stay in the Philippines for up to 59 days

The requirements in applying for a Temporary Business Visitor's Visa are:

  • A passport with a validity period of six (6) months beyond the intended period of stay in the Philippines.
  • Duly accomplished Application for Visa FA-FORM NO. 2-A (may be downloaded from this website) submitted by the applicant in person.  An applicant who cannot apply in person may apply by mail provided his/her duly accomplished application is NOTARIZED.  
  • One (1) 2” x 2” photo of the applicant signed at the bottom front taken within the last 6 months from the date of application.
  • Original roundtrip airline ticket or travel itinerary plus a photocopy.
  • Proof of means of financial income or support i.e., bank statement, employment certificate, payroll slip, proof of pension; etc.
  • The appropriate visa fee: C$34.50-single entry valid to be used within 3 months; C$69.00-multiple entry valid to be used within 6 months; C$103.50-multiple entry valid to be used within 1 year.
  • ​​A letter from the company indicating the purpose of the trip and guaranteeing support while in the Philippines or letter of invitation to an international convention or business meetings in the Philippines.


 MINORS accompanied by one parent only should submit notarized letter of consent from the other parent or a court order stating that only one parent has legal custody of the minor. NON-CANADIAN PASSPORT HOLDERS should contact the Visa Section of the Philippine Consulate General for other requirements. 



  • Applicant who cannot personally pickup his/her visaed passports must submit a self-addressed prepaid envelope of his/her choice.  (Note: If applicant chooses to use the services of Canada Post, applicant is required to purchase the "Signature on Delivery Sticker" in order for us to track who signed for the receipt of his/her document.)


Note: Visa fees may vary for non-Canadian passport holders.  Payment should be in cash, postal money order or bank-certified cheques made payable to the Philippine Consulate General.Please do not send cash as payment in your mailed-in application.


Please note that pickup of documents will be after three working days from the date of application. Processing time may vary for non-Canadian passport holders.