Pre-arranged employment visas under Section 9(g) of the Immigration Act are issued to aliens proceeding to the Philippines to engage in any lawful occupation, whether for wages or salary or for other form of compensation where bona fide employer-employee relations exist. They may be professors and teachers for educational institutions, doctors and nurses for hospitals, scientists, professionals and other workers for banking, commercial, industrial, agricultural and other business enterprises.
A pre-arranged employment visa is issued only upon receipt, by the concerned Philippine Embassy/Consulate having jurisdiction over applicant’s place of residence, of authority to issue such a visa from the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) in Manila.
Procedures to follow by the Agent/Employer/Representative of 9 (g) applicants
- Apply for Alien Employment Permit (AEP) with the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE).
- File the visa application with the Bureau of Immigration upon release by the DOLE of the AEP, provided all documents issued abroad are authenticated.
- The Bureau of Immigration shall send its endorsement to the Department of Foreign Affairs through its Visa Division.
- The DFA shall send the documents to the concerned Philippine Embassy/Consulate which shall then issue a single-entry endorsement to which travel must be completed within three (3) months from date of issue.
Requirements from the 9 (g) applicant
The applicant must appear personally at the Consular Section of the concerned Philippine Embassy or the Consulate and submit the following:
- Duly accomplished application (Form No. 2), accomplished in two copies by each applicant;
- Medical and physical examination report (FA Form No. 11) issued by an authorized physician. It must also include the chest x-ray film or in CD format, laboratory reports and HIV test;
Please note that the medical examination report is acceptable only if submitted to the quarantine officer at the port of entry in the Philippines, together with the visa application, within six (6) months from the date the examination is conducted.
- Copy of employment contract, if any;
- Passport valid for at least six (6) months;
- Four identical pictures of each applicant (passport size) signed on the front bottom of each;
- Police clearance issued by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police;
- Travel itinerary;
- Visa application fee (non-refundable; cash, money order or bank draft payable to the Philippine Consulate General) please see;
- Other documents deem necessary by the Consular Officer.
Note: Within seven (7) days from arrival, the visa holder should register with the Alien Registration Division of the Philippines’ Bureau of Immigration for the issuance of his ACR I-Card.