Consul General Arlene Magno and BC Minister Bruce Ralston, Minister of Forests and Minister Responsible for the Consular Corps, cut the ribbon to officially open the Pagtitipon 2024 exhibit, held at the Roundhouse Community and Recreation Centre on 31 July 2024. Assisting them are (L-R) Ms. Esmie McLaren, Ms. Treenee Lopez of Global Diaspora, Ms. Lenore Lim and Mr. Jose Lim. The rest of the Pagtitipon artists are standing behind. (Photo by PCG Vancouver)
02 August 2024 – The Philippine Consulate General in Vancouver once again lent its support to the Pagtitipon – A Gathering 2024” art exhibition held at the Roundhouse Community and Recreation Centre in Vancouver from 30 July 2024 to 06 August 2024. This year’s art show was also staged as part of Post’s one-year commemoration of 75 years of PH-CA bilateral relations, reflecting the strength of the Filipinos’ presence in and wealth of contribution to Canada’s society over the years, particularly in culture and the arts.
The curated exhibition was organized by the Filipino Music and Art Foundation in BC (FMAFBC) under the leadership of Ms. Lenore Lim who devoted her energy, passion and personal resources to successfully mount “Pagtitipon” for the last five years. This year’s participating artists included Danvic Briones, Paulina Constancia, Tessie Dichupa, Avie Felix, Karl Hipol, Kiana Hipolito, Delia Laglagaron, Mayo Landicho, Edgardo S. Lantin, Lenore S. Lim, Chito Maravilla, Esmie Gayo McLaren, JA Tan, and Broderick Wong.
The Honorable Bruce Ralston, BC Minister of Forests and Minister Responsible for the Consular Corps, assisted Consul General Magno in cutting the ribbon officially opening the exhibit.
Over 150 guests attended the event, including members of the consular corps, government officials, movers in the BC art group, business community, members of the academe, members of the Filipino community in BC, and the media.
Ms. Avie Felix, visiting artist from Manila, curated the exhibit. END
CG Arlene Magno delivers the Opening Remarks at the Pagtitipon 2024 Artists’ Reception. (Photo by PCG Vancouver)
The Pagtitipon 2024 artists: (L-R, seated) Delia Laglagaron, Paulina Constancia, Lenore Lim, Tessie Dichupa, Avie Felix, Esmie McLaren (L-R, standing) Kiana Hipolito, Jenny Maravilla, Chito Maravilla, JA Tan, Danvic Briones, Edgardo Lantin, Mayo Landicho and Broderick Wong. (Photo by PCG Vancouver)
(L-R) CG Hendra Halim of Indonesia, BC Minister Responsible for the Consular Corps Bruce Ralston, CG Arlene T. Magno, Ms. Leticia Sanchez of the Vancouver Asian Heritage Month Society, Ms. Helen Gardener of the Lao Honorary Consulate, CG Mohd Afandi Bin Abu Bakar of Malaysia, and CG Rutch Soratana of Thailand. (Photo by PCG Vancouver)