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Ms. Cheryl Gipson, Manager for Engagement and Board Director of the BC Women’s Hospital (third from right) is flanked by (L-R) Thai Consul General Rutch Soratana, Indonesian Consul General Hendra Halim, Philippine Consul General Arlene Magno, Vietnamese Consul General Thu Phan, and Malaysian Consul General Mohd Afandi Bin Abu Bakar. (Photo by Vancouver PCG)

30 August 2024, Burnaby. The ASEAN Consuls General in Vancouver (ACGV) Committee once again successfully hosted the annual ASEAN Charity Golf Tournament held at the Riverway Golf Course in Burnaby on 23 August 2024. A total of 144 players participated in the game followed by dinner which was attended by 180 players and guests.

Consul General Thu Phan of Vietnam chaired this year’s golf tournament. The distinguished guest list included Member of Parliament Bonita Zarrillo, Burnaby Mayor Mike Hurley, Burnaby City Councillor James Wang, members of the business community, sponsors, and other partners. The BC Women’s Health Foundation, the recipient of this year’s tournament proceeds, was also represented by Ms. Cheryl Gipson, Manager for Engagement and Board Director of the BC Women’s Hospital.

In her remarks, Consul General Thu Phan reiterated her profound thanks to the sponsors, particularly Canada Airlines, China Airlines, Japan Airlines, as well as Ms. Mylene Lim, for donating five airline tickets to the raffle draw. She also thanked other major sponsors like B2Gold, Jollibee, Fairmont Shipping, and Frobisher International Enterprise Ltd., in addition to the players and partners, for their unwavering support, which made the event a resounding success.

Meanwhile, Mayor Hurley, during the program, thanked and congratulated the five ASEAN Consuls General for not only organizing a meaningful and fun event in the City of Burnaby, but also for going above and beyond by donating the proceeds of this year’s tournament to the BC Women’s Health Foundation, BC Children’s and Women’s Hospital.

The program continued with the awarding of trophies for the winners of the tournament, followed by a very special song number from Consul General Thu Phan who sang a Vietnamese song and Besame Mucho for the evening’s entertainment. The program concluded with the raffle of the airline tickets.

The ASEAN Golf Tournament was first organized in 1994 to raise funds for various local charities as part of ASEAN’s social responsibility program.

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CG Thu Phan delivers her Opening Remarks during the dinner. (Photo by Vancouver PCG)

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Burnaby Mayor Mike Hurley delivers a speech thanking ASEAN for choosing the City of Burnaby as the venue of the ASEAN Golf Tournament this year. (Photo by Vancouver PCG)

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Players chatting outside booths of sponsors such as Jollibee, Frobisher International, 88 Supermarket before the start of the tournament. (Photo by Vancouver PCG)

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Consul General Arlene Magno and Vancouver PCG Cultural Officer Lyra Ocampo (7L and 1L) with guests at the 2024 ASEAN Charity Golf Tournament.

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Consul General Arlene Magno and Vancouver PCG Cultural Officer Lyra Ocampo (3L and 4L) with Worick Garrison of AllCargo Express, Mr. Ron Llonora, and Mr. Alvin dela Pena.

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The five ASEAN Consuls General with the 144 players OF THE 2024 ASEAN Charity Golf Tournament.

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(From left to right, top to bottom) Indonesian Consul General Hendra Halim, Malaysian Consul General Mohd Afandi Bin Abu Bakar, Philippine Consul General Arlene Magno, Thai Consul General Rutch Soratana, Vietnamese Consul General Thu Phan, and Minister Bruce Ralston, award the various trophies and prizes to the winners of the golf game. (Photo by Vancouver PCG)