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Mr. Peter Xotta, President and CEO of Vancouver Fraser Port Authority presents on the Port of Vancouver before the Consular Corps of British Columbia

20 September 2024 – Consul General Arlene T. Magno, together with Economic Assistant Eleanor G. de la Cruz, upon the invitation of the World Trade Centre (WTC) Vancouver, participated in the Harbour Tour organized by the WTC Vancouver and Vancouver Fraser Port Authority on 19 September 2024.

Ms. Bridgitte Anderson, President and CEO of the Greater Vancouver Board of Trade, commenced the program with her opening remarks, while the guest speaker, Mr. Peter Xotta, President and CEO of the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority, presented on the Port of Vancouver and opportunities for enabling Canada’s trade to the Consular Corps in British Columbia.

Xotta discussed the mandate, roles, and responsibilities of the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority, as well as the core business capacity development infrastructure projects. He, likewise, touched on the importance of the Port of Vancouver to British Columbia, its role in facilitating world trade, its trade growth trajectory from 2008 to 2028, top trading partners, and the top goods that pass through it.

With Port of Vancouver terminals and supply-chain partners moving about USD 300 billion in cargo a year, it is considered Canada’s largest port and is an economic powerhouse for Canada and the Lower Mainland. END

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Consul General Arlene Magno (seated left) together with representatives from the Consulates General of Indonesia and Malaysia during the harbour tour.